Professional photography for your event
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The “Walkers crisps 2017” campaign took place within the Tesco stores and was a really fun and engaging way for customers to relate with their favorite brand of crisp, try new and old flavors and cast their vote in conjunction with Walker’s crisps TV advert “choose me or loose me” crisps flavor contests.
The activation involved offering a sample of each of the competing flavor of crisps to the customers and let them decide which one they prefer; they could repeat the same process for all the 3 different pairs of competing flavors. They were asked to cast their vote via the interactive screen, which displayed a tally of how many votes were received per each flavor. The customers could also enter a free prize draw and receive a free pack of walkers crisps.
Customers were enticed to make purchase of the new range of Walkers crisps flavors and to also cast their vote online.
I had a fairly complicate display stand in my van consisting of 3 interactive lcd flat screens sets, to be connected with 2 heavy battery packs, linked to a portable Wi-Fi network and controlled by a CPU; a few banners, a wooden cupboard and background graphic/display; adjacent to them, I merchandised 2 big pallets with stock to facilitate customer’s purchase.
Walkers, Tesco
Event Manager
4 Ba’s, 1 EM
1 luton van
Midlands + Wales
1 + 1/2 months
Instore Event
My role as EM comprised of:
Picking up the luton van, collect the kit and the stock, attend the “how to assemble it” briefing at the unit manufacturer’s facilities; Lease with the site manager in regards to where to position and how to conduct my promotion; Welcome and train my BA’s, oversee the event on behalf of the client and ensure that my Team is in the best form so to promote the brand as highlighted in the client’s briefing; take action and interaction photos, relate any issues or feedback to the client or to the agency, count and merchandise stock, acquire and analyze sales figures, fill in the reports and send the images once at the hotel.
At the end of the day, I then de-rig the units, pack them safely and transport them overnight by van to the next location.
To find out the results of the “choose or lose” me campaign, please visit:
to find out more about the new list of Walkers flavors, please visit:
Then please visit my photography portfolio to find out more about event photography and much more!!
With over 15 years experience in several niches of commercial photography, and over a decade of managing teams in the event and experiential field, I have developed and refined a sense of what the industry requires even when it comes to showcasing your successes through some amazing images!