Gretel mise il pane sotto il grembiule perché‚ Hänsel aveva le pietre in tasca, poi si incamminarono verso il bosco. Quando ebbero fatto un pezzetto di strada: Hänsel si fermò e si volse a guardare la casa; così fece per più volte. Il padre disse: “Hänsel, che cos’è che ti volti a guardare e perché‚ ti fermi? Su, muoviti!” – “Ah, babbo, guardo il mio gattino bianco che è sul tetto e vuole dirmi addio.” Disse la madre: “Ehi, sciocco, non è il tuo gattino, è il primo sole che brilla sul comignolo.” Hänsel però non aveva guardato il gattino, ma aveva buttato ogni volta sulla strada uno dei sassolini lucidi che aveva in tasca.
Quando giunsero in mezzo al bosco, il padre disse: “Ora raccogliete legna, bambini, voglio accendere un fuoco per non gelare.” Hänsel e Gretel raccolsero rami secchi e ne fecero un mucchietto. Poi accesero il fuoco e quando la fiamma si levò alta, la madre disse: “Adesso stendetevi accanto al fuoco e dormite, noi andiamo a spaccare legna nel bosco; aspettate fino a quando non torniamo a prendervi.”section related to the rigging too!!Text about logisitc skills and support. transporting goods to and from. check out the section related to the rigging too!!Text about logisitc skills and support. transporting goods to and from. check out the section related to the rigging too!!Text about logisitc skills and support. transporting goods to and from. check out the section related to the rigging too!!Text about logisitc skills and support. transporting goods to and from. check out the section related to the rigging too!!Text about logisitc skills and support. transporting goods to and from. check out the section related to the rigging too!!Text about logisitc skills and support. transporting goods to and from. check out the section related to the rigging too!!Text about logisitc skills and support. transporting goods to and from. check out the section related to the rigging too!!Text about logisitc skills and support. transporting goods to and from. check out the section related to the rigging too!!Text about logisitc skills and support. transporting goods to and from. check out the section related to the rigging too!!Text about logisitc skills and support. transporting goods to and from. check out the section related to the rigging too!!Text about logisitc skills and support. transporting goods to and from. check out the section related to the rigging too!!Text about logisitc skills and support. transporting goods to and from. check out the section related to the rigging too!!Text about logisitc skills and support. transporting goods to and from. check out the section related to the rigging too!!Text about logisitc skills and support. transporting goods to and from. check out the section related to the rigging too!!Text about logisitc skills and support. transporting goods to and from. check out the section related to the rigging too!!
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